

the never-ending road节选(第75章)




寒风夹杂着雪花扑面而来,像剃刀一样刺骨而冰冷,街道上的积雪已经没到了腿肚;因此当他路过第一家勉强合意店铺——一家二手书店——便立即闪了进去。店主是一位几乎聋了的老巫师,整个冬天都窝在办公室里的壁炉旁听收音机,不会察觉西弗勒斯进来,这就是他喜欢这个店的原因。他可以在音乐所渲染的寂静中徜徉于书架之间,而不必回答有关他在做什么或他在寻找什么等诸如此类的问题。他一边抚摸着书架上成排的书脊一边漫步,草药学、历史、政治和天文方面的书,那些烫金的字迹大多都已经脱落。他想起自己曾向莉莉诉说,一想到有那么多的书,哪怕花一辈子的时间也看不完,就令他异常恼火。她那时笑了: “还有那么多的城市我们一辈子都逛不完——那么多的餐馆我们一辈子吃不遍!还有每家咖啡店调制咖啡的方式都不一样,我们一辈子也品尝不完。以及那么多的画我们一辈子也不尽,或者那么多的山峰我们一辈子都无法翻越……



The wind drove against himbearing flakes of snow as sharp and cold as razors, and the drifts in thestreet were shin-high; so as soon as he found a shop he could tolerate— asecondhand bookshop—he ducked inside. It was owned by an old wizard who wasnearly deaf, and who during the winter sat in his office next to the fireplacelistening to the wireless. He didn't hear Severus come in, which was why heliked the place. He could wander from shelf to shelf in the music-tintedsilence without having to answer questions about how he was doing or what hewas looking for. He idly touched the spines as he passed, books on Herbologyand history, politics and astronomy, most of their gilded letters flaking off.There were so many books in the world. He remembered once telling Lily how muchit galled him that he would never be able to read them all. She'd laughed. "Orall the cities we'll never be able to visit—and the restaurants we'll neverhave time to eat at! And the different ways they mix coffee at every shop,we'll never get to taste it all. And all the paintings we'll never get to see,or the mountains we'll never all be able to climb. . ."

And she had never got a chance todo even a little bit of that.


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